According to recent study United States spending on food stamps had skyrocketed since the recession began. For last year, more than one in families received food stamps, with some states .having significantly higher participation rates. Oregon is the highest rate in the nation that 17.8 percent of families received food stamps, known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Tennessee and Michigan follow Oregon as the next highest rates. Is there any relationship between food stamps rate and unemployment rate? In California, their food stamp take-up rate, for example, to be much higher, since its unemployment rate is 11.9 percent, the state is broke, and so many cities there suffered from housing busts. The graph that showing the relationship between median household income and food stamp take-up rates, and the relationship is relatively weak. In addition, the relationship between unemployment rates and food stamp take-up rates is represented as even weaker. There are a lot of variables not at all reflected by unemployment and median income figures, such as inequality and state safety net programs.
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